War and humanitarianism

Tuzla: Refugees from the Srebrenica enclave (women, children and elderly), just one day after it's fall. Juillet 1995 Olivier Jobard/MYOP Speaking Out Case Studies

MSF and Srebrenica, 1993-2003

07/17/2015 Laurence Binet

The case study ‘MSF and Srebrenica 1993-2003' explores the constraints and dilemmas raised when MSF spoke out about the events that occurred in Srebrenica's Muslim enclave. 


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Ruines d'un hôpital à Alep en Syrie Karam Almasri Analysis

How humanitarians work when faced with Al Qaeda and the Islamic state

02/20/2015 Jean-Hervé Bradol

How to intervene with the civilian populations in the middle of the war in Syria? Jean-Hervé Bradol, director of studies at Crash and former project coordinator for the northern part of Syria in 2013, testifies about the negotiations carried out in Syria in cities taken by groups affiliated to Al Qaeda or the Islamic State. This article was published on the Mediapart website on February 1, 2015.

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Un responsable MSF mène un sauvetage en Méditerranée Francesco Zizola Analysis

The State of the Humanitarian Sector

01/30/2015 Fabrice Weissman

This article is an English translation of an interview of Fabrice Weissman about the State of the Humanitarian Sector, in Revue Internationale et Stratégique (n°98, 2015/2) published by the Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques

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Kigali. L’equipe MSF brûle des cartes MSF. Sur la photo Rene Caravielhe, logisticien pour MSF. Roger Job Speaking Out Case Studies

Genocide of Rwandan Tutsi 1994

04/03/2014 Laurence Binet

This case study is describing the difficulties and dilemmas met by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) during the genocide of Rwandan Tutsis in April, May and June 1994.

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