War and humanitarianism

conf Conference

Ukraine-Gaza, exchange of views

12/03/2024 - 06:30 PM 08:30 PM Rony Brauman Julia Grignon Jean-François Corty

On Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., the Crash team was pleased to welcome Julia Grignon, Jean-François Corty and Rony Brauman for a conference-debate to mark the publication of the latest issue of Alternatives Humanitaires magazine: “Ukraine-Gaza, cross-perspectives”, in which humanitarian practitioners and observers share their analyses. 

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Djibo Camp - Burkina Fasso Nisma Leboul Interview

What difficulties does MSF face in the Sahel?

06/24/2024 Hamadoun Dicko

Following a series of coups d'état in recent years in Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso, the Sahel region is undergoing a major redefinition. In a context of high insecurity, what are the possibilities for accessing populations? What are the conditions under which our teams are operating, and can we do more? This interview with Hamadoun Dicko, who is in charge of access issues in the Sahel for MSF, was originally published association's website of MSF-France.

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The shared MSF / ICRC helicopter exchanging passengers in Gumuruk. In the rainy season helicopter is the only reliable way to move around Pibor County in South Sudan. Robin Meldrum/MSF Analysis

Oases of Humanity and the Realities of War. Uses and Misuses of International Humanitarian Law and Humanitarian Principles

06/28/2019 Rony Brauman

The rehabilitation of international humanitarian law (IHL) has become a priority for those who think that the horrors of contemporary wars are largely due to the blurring of the distinction between civilians and combatants and for those who think that campaigning for the respect of IHL could result in more civilised wars. Similarly, respect for humanitarian principles is still seen by many as the best tool available to protect the safety of aid workers. In this text, I argue that both assumptions are misled. The distinction between civilians and combatants, a cornerstone of IHL, has been blurred in practice since the late nineteenth century. In addition, humanitarian agencies claiming to be ‘principled’ have been victims of attacks as much as others. History and current practice tell us that neither IHL nor humanitarian principles provide safety or can guide our decisions. Accepting their symbolic value, rather than their unrealised potential to protect and solve operational dilemmas, would free humanitarian agencies from endless speculations.

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Conférence Pierre Hazan Conference

Négocier avec le diable. La médiation dans les conflits armés

12/15/2022 - 06:30 PM 08:30 PM Pierre Hazan

We were pleased to welcome Pierre Hazan, author of the book Négocier avec le diable. La médiation dans les conflits armés for a conference and debate on Thursday December 15th, 2022, 18:30, at MSF (34 avenue Jean Jaurès, 75019 Paris). The conference was livestreamed and translated simultaneously to English.

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photo conférence tous ceux qui tombent Conference

All Who Fall

05/17/2022 - 06:30 PM 08:30 PM Jérémie Foa

Conference and debate, May 17th, 2022, from 18:30 to 20:30 (Paris time), MSF (14-34 avenue Jean Jaurès, 75019 Paris). The conference was livestreamed and translated simultaneously to English.

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Les secours humanitaires médicaux en temps de guerre Peter Bräunig/MSF Opinion

Medical aid in the time of war

04/08/2022 Michaël Neuman Thierry Allafort-Duverger

In a country with a solid medical infrastructure and faced with a large-scale international mobilisation, what is the place of MSF in Ukraine and beyond? "We are not currently in the front line of emergency care provision," write Thierry Allafort Duverger and Michael Neuman, who see our work in limited areas, particularly with those "left behind," and in the longer term.

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Image illustration Ceux qui se souviennent Remco Bohle Review

Those who remember. DRC, Empire of Silence

03/10/2022 Marc Le Pape

The film Empire of Silence, directed by Thierry Michel, examines the massacres committed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 1996 to the present. In this blog, Marc Le Pape introduces the film’s structure, some of the principal witnesses to the mass executions and some of the military and political actors responsible for them, and Congolese reactions to their impunity.


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