Medicine and public health

Un homme triste se prend la tête dans les mains. En arrière-plan se trouve un enfant mutilé Harald Henden Opinion

Wartime rapes: men, too

12/05/2011 Marc Le Pape

Since the beginning of the 2000s, a number of English-language researchers have regularly asked the following question: why do international aid organisations pay so little attention to rapes of men and boys committed during armed conflicts?

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visuel medical innnovations MSF-Crash Book

Medical Innovations in Humanitarian Situations

10/01/2011 Jean-Hervé Bradol

Medical Innovations in Humanitarian Situations explores how the particular style of humanitarian action practiced by MSF has stayed in line with the standards in scientifically advanced countries while also leading to significant improvements in the medical care delivered to people in crisis. 

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visuel populations in danger Book

Populations in danger 1995

11/01/1995 François Jean

« Never again »: in the wake of the second World War, the terror caused by the Holocaust led the community of states to condemn genocide as a crime and to create a new international organization, the United Nations. And yet, half a century later, the international community did nothing to prevent the first undeniable genocide since that of the Jews: it let the massacre of the Rwandan Tutsis and merely sent humanitarian aid, even though it was nearly over.  

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Life, Death and Aid

11/01/1993 François Jean

With the end of the Cold War came the hope of a "New World Order". yet the tragedies of war and famine continue to dominate our headlines. Humanitarian law is still violated every day. Emergency aid from the United Nations and donor governments remains inadequate and military interventions often fail to restore durable peace.

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