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MSF’s contributions to the changes in trans-national medicine

Nicolas Dodier

Nicolas Dodier is a sociologist, director of research at the Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM) and director of studies at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS). His previous research were focused on the working world (Les hommes et les machines, 1995), the medical world (L'expertise médicale, 1993; Leçons politiques de l'épidémie de sida, 2003), and the different ways of reparation for collective disasters (with Janine Barbot: Des victimes en procès, 2023 in press). More recently, he has launched a survey on humanitarian medicine.

The emergency and constraints of certain catastrophes force MSF teams to medical and operational audacity. To take new paths or stray away from official protocols is to run the risk of doing things less well, of perhaps doing harm and dilapidating resources. But to lack initiative is to make do with ineffective practices under the pretext of poverty, the ignorance of the affected populations, the respect of international recommendations, economic constraints or political authorities.

What can MSF do faced with these dilemmas? The publication directed by Jean-Hervé Bradol and Claudine Vidal, 'Medical Innovations in Humanitarian Situations. The work of Médecins Sans Frontières' retraces the arduous journey of innovation, focusing on five pathologies. It describes the measures which MSF has used to introduce and disseminate new practices. Nicolas Dodier shares with us his thoughts on MSF's contributions to the changes in transnational medicine.

To cite this content :
Nicolas Dodier, “MSF’s contributions to the changes in trans-national medicine”, 18 février 2010, URL : https://msf-crash.org/en/conferences-debates/msfs-contributions-changes-trans-national-medicine

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