
Rues dévastées à Martissant en Haiti Aurelie Baumel Opinion

The origin of cholera in Haiti: the culprit has been found!

01/25/2012 Claire Magone

Two scientific studies published last year confirmed the origin of the cholera epidemic that struck Haiti in October 2010. It was indeed caused by massive amounts of the bacterium Vibrio cholerae in the Artibonite river delta, originating from the sewage in the Minustah soldiers' camp.

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Un homme triste se prend la tête dans les mains. En arrière-plan se trouve un enfant mutilé Harald Henden Opinion

Wartime rapes: men, too

12/05/2011 Marc Le Pape

Since the beginning of the 2000s, a number of English-language researchers have regularly asked the following question: why do international aid organisations pay so little attention to rapes of men and boys committed during armed conflicts?

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Deux petites filles passent devant un poste de contrôle à Port-au-Prince en Haïti Pep Bonet Opinion

Haïti : on aid and reconstruction

01/14/2011 Rony Brauman Fabrice Weissman

One year after the earthquake in Port-au-Prince, a number of observers and actors are questioning the international aid : reconstruction is at a standstill, homeless people are still facing the same situation and the deadly cholera epidemic reminds us that international aid has not helped to improve the very poor sanitation system.

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Des femmes s'embrassent sur le front Raghad El Souad Opinion

UN women : because I’m worth it

09/13/2010 Claire Magone

UN Women was created in July 2010, after intense negotiations between United Nations member states and women's rights organizations. This new structure will take over the mandates of the four UN organizations heretofore devoted to gender issues.

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