

Genocide, a word with many meanings

09/01/2004 Rony Brauman

Rony Brauman analyses the de-politicization and criminalisation process of the conflict in Darfur, resulting from an exclusively ethnic reading of this crisis and by the inappropriate use of the concept of "genocide".

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Le prélèvement sanguin d'un enfant Gijs Van Gassen Opinion

Doctor WHO?

09/03/2012 Rony Brauman

In this chronicle "Alternatives Internationales", Rony Brauman discusses the return of using community health workers as primary access points for healthcare, in the recommendations of the WHO and practices of some governments.

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Men are playing cards Luca Sola Opinion

It’s really not a game

09/02/2016 Chris Lockyear Pete Buth

At the core of humanitarian action is the notion of humanity between humans, which leads to an inherent and inevitable struggle with real moral dilemmas. It means showing solidarity to one person and having to explain to another why you can't make resources available to them.

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Un homme et ses enfants sous une tente au port du Pirée en Grèce Mohammad Ghannam Opinion

In Europe, confront cynism with hospitality

06/21/2016 Michaël Neuman

World Refugee Day will have served as a near universal reminder of the cynicism of European immigration and asylum policies: dissuasion that sacrifices thousands is the sole pillar of its policy for dealing with people fleeing war, persecution or untenable living conditions.

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Queue pour la vaccination au camp de réfugiés Yida Karin Ekholm Opinion

The numbness of numbers

05/11/2016 Michaël Neuman Fabrice Weissman

We welcome Abby Stoddard, Katherine Haver and Adele Harmer's response to our critical article on the production and the use of security data in the humanitarian sector and to our book in general. In a field that has been very much lacking debate, if not controversies, we're extremely glad to see a various range of readers engaging in the discussion. 

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