Follow-up to "Wartime rapes: men, too"
Marc Le Pape
In "Wartime rapes: men, too", I discussed an article, "The rape of men", by Will Storr published in The Observer on 17 July 2011.
The newspaper summarises the article as follows: "In this harrowing report, Will Storr travels to Uganda to meet traumatised survivors, and reveals how male rape is endemic in many of the world's conflicts". The article features the story of a young Congolese man who was raped in Kivu (Democratic Republic of Congo) by an armed group of 12 men. He managed to flee and found refuge in Kampala, Uganda, where he received medical treatment from the Refugee Law Project (Makerere University), whose director is a British doctor, Chris Dolan. During an interview with the reporter, Dolan questioned the restrictive way many organisations use the concept of gender, believing that only women can be victims of sexual violence. Storr clearly supports this critique...
To cite this content :
Marc Le Pape, “Follow-up to "Wartime rapes: men, too"”, 23 janvier 2012, URL : https://msf-crash.org/en/blog/medicine-and-public-health/follow-wartime-rapes-men-too
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