The books of the CRASH are now available in EPUB format
Elba Rahmouni
At the time of digital humanities and as part of a project to make available to the public all books written by members of the CRASH since the 1990s, the following books are now downloadable in EPUB format on our website.
In French:
- Jean-Hervé Bradol, Claudine Vidal, Innovations médicales en situations humanitaires, L'Harmattan, 2009. Les chapitres : "Innovations ?", "Politique des controverses" et "Contribution de Médecins Sans Frontières aux transformations de la médecine transnationale", L’Harmattan, 2009.
- Fabrice Weissman, A l’ombre des guerres justes, Flammarion, 2003.
- Marc Le Pape, Pierre Salignon, Une guerre contre les civils, Karthala, 2001.
- Rony Brauman, Utopies Sanitaires, Le Pommier, 2000.
- François Jean, Populations en danger 1996: Action humanitaire et protection des civils, La découverte, 1996.
- Rony Brauman, Humanitaire le dilemme, Textuel, 1996.
- François Jean, Populations en danger 1995, La découverte, 1995.
- François Jean, Face aux crises, Hachette 1993.
- François Jean, Populations en danger, Hachette, 1992.
- François Jean, Du bon usage de la famine, octobre 1986.
In English:
- Jean-Hervé Bradol, Claudine Vidal, Medical Innovations in Humanitarian Situations, Médecins Sans Frontières, 2011.
- Marc Le Pape, Pierre Salignon, Civilians Under Fire, Médecins Sans Frontières, 2003.
- François Jean, Populations in danger 1995, Médecins Sans Frontières, 1995.
- François Jean, Life, Death and Aid, Routlege, 1993.
- François Jean, Populations in danger, John Libbey, 1992.
Carried out with rigor and method, these publications are written from the point of view of aid practitioners and not that of researchers. They are not the “MSF party line”, but tools for reflection developed from MSF's frameworks and experience. Their raison d'être: to better understand the practices of the association and the world of aid in general.
Have a good read!
To cite this content :
Elba Rahmouni, “The books of the CRASH are now available in EPUB format”, 24 octobre 2018, URL : https://msf-crash.org/en/blog/books-crash-are-now-available-epub-format
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