Charles Habib
Michaël Neuman
Franck Esnée
Following the dismantlement of the Basroch camp in Grande-Synthe and the resettlement of refugees in the new La Linière camp, in the spring 2016, Michaël Neuman and Franck Esnée wanted to focus their analysis and story on the “camp” – as an object –, its nature and management. This article was originally published in Alternatives Humanitaires #5, in July 2017.
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Mohammad Ghannam
Michaël Neuman
Corinne Torre
In this post, published in Border Criminologies, Michaël Neuman and Corinne Torre speak out against the inhuman conditions imposed on migrants and refugees in Calais by the French state. This piece was originally published in French in Le Monde.
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Rony Brauman
There can scarcely be any more sensitive marker of geopolitical transformations than the refugee. Not the individual refugee as such, but the phenomenon of refugees, the representations that make them visible and the discourse around them. From this point of view, 2016 was a year of upheaval, the like of which Europe had not seen since the war in the former Yugoslavia.
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Jon Levy
Angélique Muller
Michaël Neuman
This article was originally published in Humanitarian Exchange Magazine #67 in September 2016. In this paper, Angélique Muller and Michaël Neuman attempt to explore the lessons learnt through examining the decisions as well as the difficulties MSF encountered in its provision of assistance to migrants in Grande-Synthe.
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Jon Levy
Angélique Muller
Michaël Neuman
Cet article a été publié dans la revue Alternatives Humanitaires. Angélique Muller et Michaël Neuman opèrent un retour d'expérience sur l'action menée par Médecins Sans Frontières dans le cadre d'un projet d'assistance aux migrants dans la ville de Grande-Synthe.
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Lynsey Addario
Rony Brauman
Michaël Neuman
MSF Crash's directors of studies, Rony Brauman and Michaël Neuman talk about MSF's refugee camp experience.
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Mohammad Ghannam
Michaël Neuman
World Refugee Day will have served as a near universal reminder of the cynicism of European immigration and asylum policies: dissuasion that sacrifices thousands is the sole pillar of its policy for dealing with people fleeing war, persecution or untenable living conditions.
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Samuel Hanryon
Anne Chatelain
Michaël Neuman
This article was originally published in French in Slate Magazine on 4 December 2015, accessible here. The article was translated into English by Teresa Piacentini for the University of Glasgow GramNet blog.
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