MSF 50 years

Round Table - 50 years of Doctors without borders (Médecins sans frontières)

Médecins Sans Frontières celebrated its 50th anniversary. On this occasion and in the framework of the International Humanitarian Studies Association (IHSA) conference, the Crash organized a round table on the history of the organization, the myths surrounding it, and its recent evolution.

This roundtable, which brought together researchers and members of MSF, served two objectives. 

The panelists looked back at the story of MSF's origins by confronting it with history and analyzed the association's contemporary discourse on its "founding principles". In addition, the speakers discussed the transformations of MSF over half a century, which have shaped the organization and fueled its debates over time: the evolution of the contexts of intervention, geopolitical upheavals, the personal trajectories of some members of the organization...

This round table was moderated by Bertrand Taithe, member of the Crash scientific committee and professor at the University of Manchester. The panelists were:

- Isabelle Defourny, Director of Operations at MSF-OCP,
- Peter Redfield, Professor and Erburu Chair in Ethics, Globalization and Development, University of Southern California,
- Eleanor Davey, Honorary Fellow at Australian Catholic University,
- Rony Brauman, Director of Studies at Crash and former President of Médecins sans Frontières.


00:00 Introductive speech of Bertrand Taithe
04:59 Mego Terzian’s trajectory at MSF
12:24 Isabelle Defourny, the evolution of MSF staff until today
27:16 Peter Redfield, MSF as an anthropological research subject
42:19 Eleanor Davey, MSF and the sans-frontierism
55:51 Rony Brauman, Rony Brauman, the founding misunderstandings of MSF 
1:12:37 Conclusion, writing MSF’s history as an expertise-creating organization

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“Round Table - 50 years of Doctors without borders (Médecins sans frontières) ”, 3 novembre 2021, URL :

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Past events

conf caroline iz Conference

Healing foreigners in France: The State and the civil society organisations from the 80s to the 90s

12/17/2018 - 05:00 PM 07:00 PM Caroline Izambert

The CRASH team invited you to the debate-conference “Healing foreigners in France: The State and the civil society organisations from the 80s to the 90s” on Monday 17th of December 2018 from 6 to 8pm, in the 1rst floor room at the 8 rue Saint-Sabin. We hosted Caroline Izambert, who recently defended, at the EHESS, her PhD thesis focusing on the foreigners’ access to healthcare in France. Her title: “Heal foreigners?” The State and the civil society organisations for the health coverage of the poor and foreigners in France from the 1980s to the present day. 

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Immunization: new perspectives on vaccines - Conference with Lise Barnéoud

12/05/2017 - 05:00 PM 07:00 PM Lise Barnéoud

Who profits from vaccination? Individuals? Society? Companies? Is vaccination efficient? Is it dangerous? Profitable? What are the factors influencing public opinion in this domain? Lise Barnéoud, science journalist and author of Immunisés ? Un nouveau regard sur les vaccins, has engaged in an investigation revealing multiple - and sometimes contradictory - realities observed in the French vaccination sector. She has carried out her investigation from three distinct viewpoints: the one of a mother who needs to decide whether to vaccinate her children or not; of a journalist leading an enquiry; and of a scientist analyzing how facts are built.   
Lise Barnéoud was a Crash guest speaker at a conference on vaccination held on December 5, 2017. A discussion with Epicentre, Crash and the MSF Medical Department allowed us to exchange views on vaccinal policy, which remains a cornerstone of MSF operations and a recurring subject of discussion and controversy.


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Humanitarian anthropology : conference with Sharon Abramowitz

10/23/2017 - 04:00 PM 06:00 PM Sharon Abramowitz

Sharon Abramowitz is an anthropologist and a visiting researcher at the Department of Anthropology at Rutgers University, co-editor of recently published Medical humanitarianism. Ethnographies of practice. She has devoted much of her work to responding to epidemics - most recently in Ebola, and in West Africa, Liberia in particular.

During the conference organized by MSF-Crash on 23 October 2017, she discussed the contribution of medical anthropology to humanitarian action as well as her latest book and most recent projects.

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