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Caroline Izambert

Caroline Izambert

Caroline Izambert is a former history and geography teacher and has a doctorate from the EHESS. Her thesis focused on access to healthcare for foreigners in France. She is currently head of the health promotion and harm reduction department of the city of Paris' public health department. With Jean-Paul Gaudillière and Pierre-André Juven, she published Pandémopolitique. Réinventer la santé commun (La Découverte, 2021).

experts Podcast

Frantz Fanon, by Adam Shatz


The publication in French of a biography of Frantz Fanon by American journalist and essayist Adam Shatz (Une vie en révolutions, La Découverte, 2024) is an opportunity to discover - or rediscover - the extraordinarily intellectual and activist journey of the Martinican doctor.

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MSF provides medical assistance in Covid19 centres in Paris and the suburbs. Agnes Varraine-Leca/MSF Interview

Nursing homes and their ghosts: MSF's experience in France during the Covid-19 health crisis

03/24/2021 Caroline Izambert

This article was published in Mouvements magazine on March 24, 2021. In the early spring of 2020, the humanitarian organization Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) launched a mission in nursing homes in the Ile-de-France region, which had been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic. After considering the implementation of night-time palliative care, the organization finally decided to provide daytime support to the nursing homes in difficulty. Once the crisis was over in the summer, the MSF teams started offering mental health support to nursing home staff. A look back at this experience on September 28, 2020 with four members of the mission, Olivia Gayraud (project coordinator), Jean-Hervé Bradol (M.D. and CRASH1 member), Marie Thomas (psychologist) and Michaël Neuman (CRASH coordinator).


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conf caroline iz Conference

Healing foreigners in France: The State and the civil society organisations from the 80s to the 90s

12/17/2018 - 06:00 PM 08:00 PM Caroline Izambert

The CRASH team invited you to the debate-conference “Healing foreigners in France: The State and the civil society organisations from the 80s to the 90s” on Monday 17th of December 2018 from 6 to 8pm, in the 1rst floor room at the 8 rue Saint-Sabin. We hosted Caroline Izambert, who recently defended, at the EHESS, her PhD thesis focusing on the foreigners’ access to healthcare in France. Her title: “Heal foreigners?” The State and the civil society organisations for the health coverage of the poor and foreigners in France from the 1980s to the present day. 

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