Humanitarian actors and practices

Ngala, Nigeria: Emergency aid to victims of violence and displacement Sylvain Cherkaoui/COSMOS Opinion

Mortality emergency threshold: A case for revision

06/25/2018 Fabrice Weissman

The crude mortality rate (CMR) is one of the most widely used indicators at MSF and the humanitarian sector to evaluate the severity of a health crisis within a given population. It is widely recognized that a CMR equal to or greater than one death per 10,000 persons a day signifies an emergency situation requiring an immediate response. However, the usage of the standard emergency threshold as “1/10,000/day” is very questionable: it goes against the official recommendations endorsed by humanitarian organizations and ignores the worldwide decline in mortality rates over the last 30 years.

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Doctors carry a patient infected by ebola Anna Surinyach Cahier

Médecins Sans Frontières and medical quality

01/01/2017 Rony Brauman Michèle Beck

The question of quality in the work of Médecins Sans Frontières has been asked from the very beginning of MSF's existence. On the one hand, the issue of improving the quality of practice is a part of ordinary professional activity; on the other hand, Médecins Sans Frontières' work involved working in distant lands and very specific environments, which demanded adjustments to medical practice as a result.

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Men are playing cards Luca Sola Opinion

It’s really not a game

09/02/2016 Chris Lockyear Pete Buth

At the core of humanitarian action is the notion of humanity between humans, which leads to an inherent and inevitable struggle with real moral dilemmas. It means showing solidarity to one person and having to explain to another why you can't make resources available to them.

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Michaël Neuman is interview by TRT TRT In the media

Aid agencies under attack

08/25/2016 Michaël Neuman

Michael Neuman is interviewed by TRT World about Doctors Without Borders/MSF's decision to pull out of Yemen and humanitarian security, challenging the idea that humanitarian action has become a greater danger to aid workers.

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Débarquement de réfugiés érythréens à Vibo Valentia en Italie Sara Creta Video

Occupational hazards

07/26/2016 Michaël Neuman Fabrice Weissman

In recent years, fear-mongering reports based on hard data have been describing a world of ever-increasing danger for aid workers. The book "Saving lives and staying alive" explores this observation and compares it with MSF's experience of working in particularly dangerous regions.

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A young girl walks in the streets of Bama Benoit Finck Analysis

War and humanitarian aid

07/25/2016 Rony Brauman

Rony Brauman focuses on the humanitarian environment and practices in war, in order to try to understand and analyze its political and ethical stakes. Starting with the creation of the Red Cross at the end of the XIXth century, he then focused on the contemporary postcolonial period, switching between various scales and reporting on contradictory points of view and issues.

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