access to health care

Southern Chhattisgarh Mobile Clinics Tadeu Andre/MSF Cahier

Access to health products: which priorities and what role for MSF?

05/26/2023 Michaël Neuman Natalie Roberts

On 3rd and 4th February 2022, the CRASH organised a workshop aimed principally at the directors and operational managers of MSF Operational Centre Paris (OCP) to reflect on current debates, and to determine which elements of the discussion would be the most relevant to resolve to support the advancement of MSF OCP’s operational projects. Is access to medicines the same issue today as it was when MSF first became interested in the mid-1990s? Rather than just concentrating on the obstacles to accessing medicines, should the debate be broadened to encompass what are now called ‘health products’ or even further, towards access to care and thus largely structural problems of human resources, financing, or the absence of national health insurance policies?

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Les secours humanitaires médicaux en temps de guerre Peter Bräunig/MSF Opinion

Medical aid in the time of war

04/08/2022 Michaël Neuman Thierry Allafort-Duverger

In a country with a solid medical infrastructure and faced with a large-scale international mobilisation, what is the place of MSF in Ukraine and beyond? "We are not currently in the front line of emergency care provision," write Thierry Allafort Duverger and Michael Neuman, who see our work in limited areas, particularly with those "left behind," and in the longer term.

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Doctor WHO?

09/03/2012 Rony Brauman

In this chronicle "Alternatives Internationales", Rony Brauman discusses the return of using community health workers as primary access points for healthcare, in the recommendations of the WHO and practices of some governments.

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visuel just wars Book

In the Shadow of Just Wars

09/01/2003 Fabrice Weissman

During the planning stages of military intervention in Iraq, humanitarian organizations were offered U.S. government funds to join the Coalition and operate uneder the umbrella of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

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