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Rony Brauman

Rony Brauman

Medical doctor, specialized in tropical medicine and epidemiology. Involved in humanitarian action since 1977, he has been on numerous missions, mainly in contexts of armed conflicts and IDP situations. President of Médecins sans Frontières from 1982 to1994, he also teaches at the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI) and is a regular contributor to Alternatives Economiques. He has published several books and articles, including "Guerre humanitaires ? Mensonges et Intox" (Textuel, 2018), "La Médecine Humanitaire" (PUF, 2010), "Penser dans l'urgence" (Editions du Seuil, 2006) and "Utopies Sanitaires" (Editions Le Pommier, 2000).

Distribution of NFI in remote areas Giuseppe La Rosa/MSF Interview

Natural Disasters: “Do Something!”

02/17/2012 Rony Brauman

In this interview conducted by Claudine Vidal in 2012 and published in the book Agir à Tout Prix (Humanitarian Negotiations Revealed: the MSF experience), Rony Brauman speaks about emergency humanitarian aid set up following natural disasters. Time constraints, access to victims, cooperation with local institutions, misleading representations of the disasters' effects, controversial assessments of the number of casualties; various topics related to these interventions are discussed and illustrated with specific examples.

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Des enfants mangent de la pâte nutritive Sven Torfinn Opinion

Famine in Somalia : warning against the warning!

09/19/2011 Rony Brauman

In the context of emergency appeals in the Horn of Africa, Rony Brauman recalls the contemporary definition of a famine. While recognising the progress made in major crisis response mechanisms, he questions the alarmist attitude of the UN.

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Des réfugiés somaliens et leurs enfants se rendent dans un nouveau centre Brendan Bannon Interview

When the United Nations cry wolf

08/05/2011 Rony Brauman

The United Nations announces a famine and that 12.4 million people are threatened by drought in the Horn of Africa. Radio and television repeatedly broadcast an appeal for donations to UNICEF, brandishing disturbing figures.

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Deux petites filles passent devant un poste de contrôle à Port-au-Prince en Haïti Pep Bonet Opinion

Haïti : on aid and reconstruction

01/14/2011 Rony Brauman Fabrice Weissman

One year after the earthquake in Port-au-Prince, a number of observers and actors are questioning the international aid : reconstruction is at a standstill, homeless people are still facing the same situation and the deadly cholera epidemic reminds us that international aid has not helped to improve the very poor sanitation system.

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Darfur: the International Criminal Court is wrong

09/10/2010 Rony Brauman

Rony Brauman criticises the International Criminal Court's indictment of the Sudanese president for genocide. If the prosecutor's argument is followed, humanitarian organisations working in the displaced people's camps should be charged with complicity in genocide.

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Un bateau transporte une aide médicale d'urgence Jochen Ganter Opinion

Gaza Flotilla : humanitarian or political ?

06/04/2010 Rony Brauman

In May 2010, a convoy of six boats loaded with medical equipment, building materials, school supplies and prefabricated shelters, as well as numerous volunteers, headed for Gaza. This "freedom flotilla" aimed to "break the siege of Gaza". It was stormed by an Israeli commando. Nine activists lost their lives. In this article, Rony Brauman questions the terms used to legitimize or disqualify this initiative and the tragedy that followed. Was the flotilla "humanitarian" or "political"? Is there a "humanitarian crisis" in Gaza or not?

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Haïti dévastée par l'ouragan Matthew Andrew McConnell/Panos Pictures Op-ed

Haiti Earthquake: What Priorities?

01/20/2010 Rony Brauman

The earthquake that devastated Port-au-Prince and neighboring areas has led to a worldwide surge of solidarity which we must fully appreciate because no country could face such a disaster on this scale alone.

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