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Marc Le Pape

Portrait de Marc Le Pape

Marc Le Pape has been a researcher at the CNRS and then at the EHESS. He is currently a member of the scientific committee of the CRASH. Formerly with the CNRS, Marc Le Pape is currently a researcher at the l'Ehess (Centre d'études africaines). He has carried out research in Algeria, Côte d'Ivoire and Central Africa. His recent studies have focused on the Great Lakes region in Africa. He has co-directed several publications: Côte d'Ivoire, l'année terrible 1999-2000 (2003), Crises extrêmes (2006) et dans le cadre de MSF : Une guerre contre les civils. Réflexions sur les pratiques humanitaires au Congo-Brazzaville, 1998-2000 (2001) and Génocide et crimes de masse. L'expérience rwandaise de MSF 1982-1997 (2016). 

Couverture du livre Une guerre contre les civils MSF-Crash Book

Civilians Under Fire

10/01/2001 Marc Le Pape Pierre Salignon

In the face of violence, how does a medical relief organization react and respond? This book is an account of one experience; it describes and analyzes the characteristics of one intervention: that of Médecins Sans Frontières in Congo Brazzaville in 1998-2000. 

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A building that was damaged during the offensives in Raqqa, the west side of the city. Raqqa residents are slowly returning back home find their houses either damaged or burned. Eddy Van Wessel Conference

Extreme violence: investigate, rescue, judge. Syria, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo

03/20/2019 - 01:00 PM 03/22/2019 - 04:00 PM Laëtitia Atlani-Duault Jean-Hervé Bradol Marc Le Pape

Theaters of war, genocide, mass crimes, Syria, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo are at the heart of the international symposium organized by the platform L’humanitaire dans la globalisation of the Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH) and the Centre de Réflexion sur l'Action et les Savoirs Humanitaires (CRASH) of Médecins Sans Frontières. This symposium is part of the commemoration by these two institutions of the 25 years of the genocide of Rwandan Tutsis.

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