What role does humanitarian action play in population displacements?
Aid to refugee, displaced, deported, exiled and interned populations plays a central role in humanitarian action both now and in the past. What types of aid are provided to internees and displaced persons? What kinds of obstacles and dilemmas do these organisations face? What sorts of practical, political and ethical questions are raised by the participation of aid groups in population displacement and internment policies?

Temporary palliatives to an ongoing humanitarian need: MSF’s intervention in Dunkirk
11/24/2016This article was originally published in Humanitarian Exchange Magazine #67 in September 2016. In this paper, Angélique Muller and Michaël Neuman attempt to explore the lessons learnt through examining the decisions as well as the difficulties MSF encountered in its provision of assistance to migrants in Grande-Synthe.

Humanitarian aid, genocide and mass killings. Médecins Sans Frontières, the Rwandan experience, 1982-97
11/04/2016 Read more
Humanitarian aid, genocide and mass killings. Médecins Sans Frontières, the Rwandan experience, 1982-97
11/04/2016Throughout the 1990s, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) was forced to face the challenges posed by the genocide of Rwandan Tutsis and a succession of major outbreaks of political violence in Rwanda and its neighbouring countries.

War and humanitarian aid
07/25/2016Rony Brauman focuses on the humanitarian environment and practices in war, in order to try to understand and analyze its political and ethical stakes. Starting with the creation of the Red Cross at the end of the XIXth century, he then focused on the contemporary postcolonial period, switching between various scales and reporting on contradictory points of view and issues.
The Calais “jungle” today: France’s shame
12/05/2015This article was originally published in French in Slate Magazine on 4 December 2015, accessible here. The article was translated into English by Teresa Piacentini for the University of Glasgow GramNet blog.

The Hunting and Killing of Rwandan Refugees in Zaire-Congo: 1996-1997
04/03/2014The ‘Hunting and killings of the Rwandan refugee in Zaire/Congo' case study is describing the constraints and dilemmas faced by Médecins Sans Frontières' teams in 1996 and 1995 when trying to bring assistance to the Rwandan refugees in Eastern Zaire.

Rwandan Refugee Camps in Zaire and Tanzania 1994-1995
04/03/2014This case study is describing the constraints and dilemmas met by MSF when confronted with camps under the tight control of "refugee leaders" responsible for the genocide of the Rwandan Tutsis from April to June 1994.

The Hunting and Killing of Rwandan Refugees in Zaire-Congo: 1996-1997
04/03/2014The ‘Hunting and killings of the Rwandan refugee in Zaire/Congo' case study is describing the constraints and dilemmas faced by Médecins Sans Frontières' teams in 1996 and 1995 when trying to bring assistance to the Rwandan refugees in Eastern Zaire.

Rwandan Refugee Camps in Zaire and Tanzania 1994-1995
04/03/2014This case study is describing the constraints and dilemmas met by MSF when confronted with camps under the tight control of "refugee leaders" responsible for the genocide of the Rwandan Tutsis from April to June 1994.