
13 avril 1994. Départ du convoi conjoint MSF-CICR de Bujumbura vers Kigali. Xavier Lassalle Op-ed

Dictators’ Democratic Friends

10/27/2017 Jean-Hervé Bradol

This op-ed article was published on 27 October 2017 in the French weekly Marianne. He writes it in the backdrop of a controversy around a "Que Sais-Je" book on Rwanda published by the Belgian researcher, Filip Reyntjens and the accusations against him that he rewrites history and seeks to minor the genocide of the Tutsis in 1994.

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Couverture de la revue Alternatives Humanitaires Alternatives Humanitaires Interview

Interview with Marc Le Pape: Chronicle of a genocide

07/05/2017 Marc Le Pape

Marc Le Pape, sociologist and member of MSF-Crash Scientific Committee, is interviewed by Boris Martin, Editor-in-chief of Alternatives Humanitaires, about his and Jean-Hervé Bradol's latest book "Humanitarian aid, genocide and mass killings: MSF, the Rwandan experience (1982-1977)".

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Le camp de La Linière, à Grande Synthe, en Juillet 2016 Charles Habib Analysis

Sheltering, hosting or receiving refugees: the unresolved ambiguities of the La Linière refugee camp

07/05/2017 Michaël Neuman Franck Esnée

Following the dismantlement of the Basroch camp in Grande-Synthe and the resettlement of refugees in the new La Linière camp, in the spring 2016, Michaël Neuman and Franck Esnée wanted to focus their analysis and story on the “camp” – as an object –, its nature and management. This article was originally published in Alternatives Humanitaires #5, in July 2017. 

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Une femme et deux enfants traversent une route dans le camp de réfugiés de Domiz, au Kurdistan Irakien Yuri Kozyrev/Noor Opinion

When camps become cities

03/06/2017 Rony Brauman

There can scarcely be any more sensitive marker of geopolitical transformations than the refugee. Not the individual refugee as such, but the phenomenon of refugees, the representations that make them visible and the discourse around them. From this point of view, 2016 was a year of upheaval, the like of which Europe had not seen since the war in the former Yugoslavia.

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