War and humanitarianism

Queue pour la vaccination au camp de réfugiés Yida Karin Ekholm Opinion

The numbness of numbers

05/11/2016 Michaël Neuman Fabrice Weissman

We welcome Abby Stoddard, Katherine Haver and Adele Harmer's response to our critical article on the production and the use of security data in the humanitarian sector and to our book in general. In a field that has been very much lacking debate, if not controversies, we're extremely glad to see a various range of readers engaging in the discussion. 

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Tuzla: Refugees from the Srebrenica enclave (women, children and elderly), just one day after it's fall. Juillet 1995 Olivier Jobard/MYOP Speaking Out Case Studies

MSF and Srebrenica, 1993-2003

07/17/2015 Laurence Binet

The case study ‘MSF and Srebrenica 1993-2003' explores the constraints and dilemmas raised when MSF spoke out about the events that occurred in Srebrenica's Muslim enclave. 


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