

Darfur: the International Criminal Court is wrong

09/10/2010 Rony Brauman

Rony Brauman criticises the International Criminal Court's indictment of the Sudanese president for genocide. If the prosecutor's argument is followed, humanitarian organisations working in the displaced people's camps should be charged with complicity in genocide.

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Tuzla: Refugees from the Srebrenica enclave (women, children and elderly), just one day after it's fall. Juillet 1995 Olivier Jobard/MYOP Speaking Out Case Studies

MSF and Srebrenica, 1993-2003

07/17/2015 Laurence Binet

The case study ‘MSF and Srebrenica 1993-2003' explores the constraints and dilemmas raised when MSF spoke out about the events that occurred in Srebrenica's Muslim enclave. 


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