military intervention

Kigali. L’equipe MSF brûle des cartes MSF. Sur la photo Rene Caravielhe, logisticien pour MSF. Roger Job Speaking Out Case Studies

Genocide of Rwandan Tutsi 1994

04/03/2014 Laurence Binet

This case study is describing the difficulties and dilemmas met by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) during the genocide of Rwandan Tutsis in April, May and June 1994.

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A tank moves towards the frontlines as people are fleeing Dominic Nahr Analysis

"Not in our name": Why Medecins sans frontières does not support the "responsability to protect"

08/01/2010 Fabrice Weissman

Argued in the 1990s in the name of the "right or duty to intervene", the application of military might to rescue populations in danger is now debated with reference to the "Responsibility to Protect" paradigm (or "R2P" for those in the know). In this article Fabrice Weissman explains why MSF refuses to adhere to this doctrine of ‘just war', whose legalisation would effectively be legalising a new form of imperialism.


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