military intervention

Un enfant fait la queue pour avoir de l'eau Ian Berry Analysis

Terror and Impunity in Rwanda

08/01/2000 Rony Brauman Stephen Smith

Not having seen the genocidal drift of Hutu Power in 1994 coming, the international community grants Paul Kagame's RPF the impunity of victims. Yet such power also lends itself to criminal acts. The authors express their indignance that NGOs and international organisations - invoking the duty of remembrance - join in the endless evocation of the past that masks the political phenomena at the root of the current violence.

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Distribution alimentaire au camp de Rajo à Mogadishu, en Somalia Yann Libessart Analysis

Somalia: A Humanitarian Crime

09/01/1993 Rony Brauman

In 1993, Médecins Sans Frontières left Somalia and denounced the methods of UN troops who were violating the very humanitarian principles in whose name they intervened.

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Kigali. L’equipe MSF brûle des cartes MSF. Sur la photo Rene Caravielhe, logisticien pour MSF. Roger Job Speaking Out Case Studies

Genocide of Rwandan Tutsi 1994

04/03/2014 Laurence Binet

This case study is describing the difficulties and dilemmas met by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) during the genocide of Rwandan Tutsis in April, May and June 1994.

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