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Sandrine Revet

Research Fellow, Centre de Recherches Internationales (CERI), Sciences Po

Sandrine Revet works on political cultural and social dynamics of natural disasters. She holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology (2006) from the Institut des Hautes Etudes de l’Amérique latine, focusing on Venezuelian 1999's floods (Anthropologie d’une catastrophe, Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2007). She joined CERI in 2009.
In 2010, she participated in a MSF-Crash conference entitled "Livinga natural disaster". She is a member of the editorial boards of Critique internationale, Questions de recherche, Cahiers des Amériques latines, Papeles del CEIC (Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao) and Disaster Prevention and Management. Co-founder of the Association pour la recherche sur les catastrophes et les risques en anthropologie (ARCRA).

Débat avec Sandrine Revet Conference

Living a Natural Disaster

11/03/2010 - 06:00 PM 08:00 PM Sandrine Revet

People wandering through the rubble in Haiti, arms outstretched begging for help amid the floods in Pakistan: the media coverage of disasters invariably features helpless victims, overwhelmed by the disaster, waiting to be helped...

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