War and humanitarianism, medicine and public health, rights and justice... Discover CRASH publications sorted by themes.
The fact that CRASH publications are written from an aid practitioner's, rather than researcher's, perspective, does not exempt them from the demands of rigorous research methods. We try hard at this, with the help of (volunteer) research professionals. The publications are not the MSF party line, but rather tools for reflexion based on MSF's framework and experience. They have only one purpose: to help us better understand what we are doing. Criticisms, comments and suggestions are more than welcome - they are expected.

Review "Aid in Danger: The Perils and Promise of Humanitarianism"
03/29/2016This review of Larissa Fast's " 'Aid in Danger'. The Perils and Promise of Humanitarianism" was published in the International Review of the Red Cross (Volume 96 / Issue 894)

MSF and the war in the former Yugoslavia 1991-2003
02/09/2016On 14 December 1995, the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords ended the separatist war in former Yugoslavia and created the State of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Soon released! Saving Lives and Staying Alive
02/08/2016 Read moreThe Calais “jungle” today: France’s shame
12/05/2015This article was originally published in French in Slate Magazine on 4 December 2015, accessible here. The article was translated into English by Teresa Piacentini for the University of Glasgow GramNet blog.

MSF and Srebrenica, 1993-2003
07/17/2015The case study ‘MSF and Srebrenica 1993-2003' explores the constraints and dilemmas raised when MSF spoke out about the events that occurred in Srebrenica's Muslim enclave.

How humanitarians work when faced with Al Qaeda and the Islamic state
02/20/2015How to intervene with the civilian populations in the middle of the war in Syria? Jean-Hervé Bradol, director of studies at Crash and former project coordinator for the northern part of Syria in 2013, testifies about the negotiations carried out in Syria in cities taken by groups affiliated to Al Qaeda or the Islamic State. This article was published on the Mediapart website on February 1, 2015.

The State of the Humanitarian Sector
01/30/2015This article is an English translation of an interview of Fabrice Weissman about the State of the Humanitarian Sector, in Revue Internationale et Stratégique (n°98, 2015/2) published by the Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques

The Crash – MSF
10/07/2014This article was originally published in French on Grotius, as part of a dossier on the contribution of research to humanitarian action. Unlike most think tanks and research institutes devoted to the study of humanitarian aid, the CRASH - born of Médecins Sans Frontières leaders' desire for a structure to support critical reflection on their own operations - is an integral part of a relief organization.

MSF and North Korea 1995-1998
10/01/2014The 'MSF in North Korea 1995-1998’ case study is describing the constraints and dilemmas that led Médecins Sans Frontières to speak out publicly while its teams were trying to bring assistance to the North Korean population on its territory between 1995 and 1998 and to the North Korean refugees in Asia in the following years.