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Olivier Falhun

Former Editor of Issuesde secours, Olivier Falhun worked at MSF-Crash before joining MSF Communications Department in Paris. 

François-Xavier Daoudal, infirmier à MSF, travaille à bord de l’Aquarius Kenny Karpov Interview

Mediterranean: the Aquarius Aquarium

09/13/2018 Olivier Falhun

As an MSF nurse, François-Xavier Daoudal returned at the end of June after spending three weeks on board the Aquarius. During his time on the ship, 629 people were rescued. However, immediately after the rescue operation, the Italian and Maltese authorities refused the ship permission to dock, triggering a huge political and media furor. The Aquarius was left stranded at sea for several days before being able to transfer some of the rescued migrants to two Italian navy ships. All passengers were finally disembarked in Spanish port Valencia. What can be drawn from such an experience? Read on to see what F-X had to say during an interview on the political implications, life on board the Aquarius and the issue of people smuggling. He also shared with us what the migrants themselves had to say.

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Vue de l'intérieur de l'hôpital MSF à Kunduz, après son bombardement, octobre 2015 Victor J. Blue Video

Humanitarian Wars ? - Interview with Rony Brauman

02/19/2018 Rony Brauman Olivier Falhun

Rony Brauman has just published “Guerres humanitaires ? Mensonges et intox”. This book, a collection of interviews co-authored with Régis Meyran, explores a number of recent armed interventions that have all shared the goal of saving lives. Reviewing conflicts in Somalia, Libya, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq, Brauman discusses the reasons advanced for justifying these wars and the accompanying lies.

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