russie afrique

Russian influence strategies in Africa

04/03/2025 - 06:30 PM 08:30 PM

We are pleased to invite you to a conference on Russia's new trajectories in Africa, on Thursday April 3, 2025 at 6:30pm, at MSF headquarters. Our guest will be Maxime Audinet, researcher at IRSEM. This meeting, prepared with Michaël Neuman (Crash), will be moderated by Guillaume Baret (Operations Department).


Afghanistan: protecting our female staff


Since the return to power of the Taliban in August 2021, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) has introduced a whole series of measures drastically limiting women's rights, their freedom of movement, their access to work and education as well as their participation in political life.

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DarfourVoitek AsztabskiSpeaking Out Case Studies

MSF and Darfur 2003-2009

09/01/2024Laurence Binet

The “MSF and Darfur 2003-2009” case study describes the constraints, questions and dilemmas faced by MSF with regards to speaking out about extreme violence, massive displacements and terrible survival conditions endured by the population in the Darfur region, Sudan, between 2003 and 2009. 

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See all conferences

Ukraine-Gaza, exchange of views

12/03/2024 - 06:30 PM 08:30 PMRony BraumanJulia GrignonJean-François Corty

On Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., the Crash team was pleased to welcome Julia Grignon, Jean-François Corty and Rony Brauman for a conference-debate to mark the publication of the latest issue of Alternatives Humanitaires magazine: “Ukraine-Gaza, cross-perspectives”, in which humanitarian practitioners and observers share their analyses. 

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Racisme et humanitaireIsabel Corthier Dossier

Racism and Humanitarian Action

02/03/2022Elba RahmouniMarc Le Pape

This Crash dossier gathers a selection of Crash publications published over the last twenty years: all of them, in different manners, tackle the themes of racism and humanitarian action. They also evoke the way discussions about racism have been addressed at Médecins sans Frontières. 

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Idomeni after the closing of the borderAlex Yallop/MSFDossier

Migrants / refugees

05/29/2018Elba Rahmouni

With the cold war over, refugees have lost their status as an instrument of western soft power, whereas with the economic crisis and terrorism, hostility towards migrants is increasing. Prevailing representations of migration movements are convincing a growing proportion of the European population that migrants are a threat and refugees a burden. This file contains a collection of publications (articles, opinion columns, blog articles, press releases, CRASH papers) from 1990 to date, focusing on two themes : 1° the dichotomy between hospitality policy and migration policy, 2° camps approached from a number of different angles.  

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Plumpy’Nut is being handed out in Ndougoury village.Djerabe NdegrgarOpinion

Resale of therapeutic food: who benefits from demonising mothers?

12/30/2022Michel-Olivier Lacharité

This article was published on December 26th, 2022 on the Souk, the MSF associative website.
Accusing the mothers of malnourished children of being lawless fraudsters is a well-worn trope in malnutrition treatment programmes worldwide – and one that has resurfaced recently in Nigeria, stirred up by health workers and the media. These types of accusations obscure a series of tricky truths on the control of resources, the quality of malnutrition treatment programmes, and on the extreme precariousness in which many families live. We see all of this in northwest Nigeria’s Katsina state, where we are currently conducting the largest malnutrition programme in the history of Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF).

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