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Fabrice Weissman

Fabrice Weissman

A political scientist by training, Fabrice Weissman joined Médecins sans Frontières in 1995. First as a logistician, then as project coordinator and head of mission, he has worked in many countries in conflict (Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kosovo, Sri Lanka, etc.) and more recently in Malawi in response to natural disasters. He is the author of several articles and collective works on humanitarian action, including "In the Shadow of Just Wars. Violence, Politics and Humanitarian Action" (ed., London, Hurst & Co., 2004), "Humanitarian Negotiations Revealed. The MSF Experience" (ed., Oxford University Press, 2011) and "Saving Lives and Staying Alive. Humanitarian Security in the Age of Risk Management" (ed., London, Hurst & Co, 2016). He is also one of the main hosts of the podcast La zone critique. 

Un responsable MSF mène un sauvetage en Méditerranée Francesco Zizola Analysis

The State of the Humanitarian Sector

01/30/2015 Fabrice Weissman

This article is an English translation of an interview of Fabrice Weissman about the State of the Humanitarian Sector, in Revue Internationale et Stratégique (n°98, 2015/2) published by the Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques

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Bombed buildings in Aleppo Monique Doux Opinion

Scaling up aid in Syria: the role of diaspora networks

09/06/2013 Fabrice Weissman

Syria is certainly the most deadly conflict in the world today and the most underserved in terms of international humanitarian assistance. Exposed to violence and lack of essential services, millions of Syrians, living under the authority of opposition groups, have almost no access to international humanitarian relief. 

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Les travailleurs humanitaires du Centre médical à Mingkaman au Soudan du Sud David Di Lorenzo Video

Perspectives on the future of humanitarian action

04/03/2013 Fabrice Weissman

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the ICRC (1863-2013) and in light of the recently launched issue of the Review on "The future of humanitarian action", the Harvard Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research (HPCR) and the International Review of the Red Cross are pleased to co-host a Live Web Seminar on the topic: "Perspectives on the Future of Humanitarian Action"...

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Deux petites filles passent devant un poste de contrôle à Port-au-Prince en Haïti Pep Bonet Opinion

Haïti : on aid and reconstruction

01/14/2011 Rony Brauman Fabrice Weissman

One year after the earthquake in Port-au-Prince, a number of observers and actors are questioning the international aid : reconstruction is at a standstill, homeless people are still facing the same situation and the deadly cholera epidemic reminds us that international aid has not helped to improve the very poor sanitation system.

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