Négociations humanitaires

Negotiating Humanitarian Access: How Far to Compromise to Deliver Aid

Michaël Neuman

Director of studies at Crash / Médecins sans Frontières, Michaël Neuman graduated in Contemporary History and International Relations (University Paris-I). He joined Médecins sans Frontières in 1999 and has worked both on the ground (Balkans, Sudan, Caucasus, West Africa) and in headquarters (New York, Paris as deputy director responsible for programmes). He has also carried out research on issues of immigration and geopolitics. He is co-editor of "Humanitarian negotiations Revealed, the MSF experience" (London: Hurst and Co, 2011). He is also the co-editor of "Saving lives and staying alive. Humanitarian Security in the Age of Risk Management" (London: Hurst and Co, 2016).

On January 26, the Brookings-LSE Project on Internal Displacement and Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) hosted a discussion on the compromises and negotiations the humanitarian aid community must contend with during crisis situations. Michael Neuman, research director with the Centre de Réflexion sur l'Action et les Savoirs Humanitaries at MSF, discussed the organization's new book, Humanitarian Negotiations Revealed: The MSF Experience (Columbia University Press, 2012).

He was joined by panelists William Garvelink, senior adviser, U.S. Leadership in Development at the Center for Strategic International Studies; Markus Geisser, deputy head of regional delegation for the International Committee for the Red Cross; and Rabih Torbay, vice president for international operations at International Medical Corps. Senior Fellow Elizabeth Ferris, co-director of the Project on Internal Displacement, provided introductory remarks and moderated the discussion.


To cite this content :
Michaël Neuman, “Negotiating Humanitarian Access: How Far to Compromise to Deliver Aid”, 30 janvier 2012, URL : https://msf-crash.org/en/blog/war-and-humanitarianism/negotiating-humanitarian-access-how-far-compromise-deliver-aid

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I am a former MSF member, from OCB , Afghanistan mission, currently MPH-GLOBAL HEALTH POLICY student,

i need this information, this is part of my assignment to search about MSF- involvement in negotiation,

Required for citation.


Best regards

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