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Collecting data on sexual violence: what do we need to know? The case of MSF in the Democratic Republic of Congo


Head of Communications, Médecins Sans Frontières - Operational Centre Paris (OCP)

After studying communication (CELSA) and political sciences (La Sorbonne), Claire Magone worked for various NGOs, particularly in Africa (Liberia, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Nigeria). In 2010, she joined MSF-Crash as a Director of Studies. Since 2014, she has been working as a Head of Communications.

Claire Magone has just published a paper in Humanitarian Exchange Magazine (issue 60, February 2014) focusing on gender-based violence (GBV) in humanitarian crises. In an article called "Collecting data on sexual violence: what do we need to know? The case of MSF in the Democratic Republic of Congo", she cautions against an overemphasis on collecting prevalence data at the expense of addressing victims' needs.

Download Humanitarian Exchange Magazine #60

To cite this content :
Claire Magone, “Collecting data on sexual violence: what do we need to know? The case of MSF in the Democratic Republic of Congo”, 20 février 2014, URL :

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