Vanja Kovacic
Vanja Kovačič est anthropologue de la santé. Chercheuse au Crash pendant plusieurs années, elle travaille actuellement à la Manson Unit de MSF UK.
Breakdown of participants by the main surgical procedures received

Participants’ profile
The average age of participants was thirty-eight years. The majority of them had a primary (25) or secondary (32) education. Ten had obtained university degrees and seven had no schooling. Two thirds of participants (48) were married (only 1 in a polygamous marriage), 14 were single, 6 widowed, 4 divorced, and 1 separated. Syrian participants mostly lived in rented apartments (29); none owned a house or apartment, and Iraqis lived mostly in houses they owned or that were owned by their family (20). Both groups resided mostly in urban or suburban areas. Participants’ family structures consisted predominantly of four adults and two children below sixteen years old. Most families (57) had no or only one family member engaged in income-generating activities. Most Syrians receive refugee-status-related financial support, and some Iraqis receive a pension, remittance, house rent, inheritance, or social welfare as an additional source of income. Iraqi participants reported an average monthly income of 500 USD and Jordanians an average of 400 USD per family per month.
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