L’amélioration de l’accès à l’eau potable, composante clef de la lutte contre la malnutrition
Dans la lignée des questions soulevées par l'atelier L'eau humanitaire est-elle potable ?, nous signalons la publication d'une enquête de MSF Belgique, confirmant l'importance de l'approvisionnement des familles en eau dans les programmes ambulatoires de lutte contre la malnutrition.
Dorion C, Hunter PR, Van den Bergh R, Roure C, Delchevalerie P, et al. (2012)
Does Village Water Supply Affect Children's Length of Stay in a Therapeutic Feeding Program in Niger? Lessons from a Médecins Sans Frontières Program.
PLoS ONE 7(12): e50982. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050982
Objective. With an increasing move towards outpatient therapeutic feeding for moderately and severely malnourished children, the home environment has become an increasingly important factor in achieving good program outcomes. Infections, including those water-borne, may significantly delay weight gain in a therapeutic feeding program. This study examined the relationship between adequacy of water supply and children's length of stay in a therapeutic feeding program in Niger.
Methods. The length of stay in a therapeutic feeding program of Médecins Sans Frontières in Niger was registered for 1518 children from 20 villages in the region. In parallel, the quality and quantity of the water source in each village were documented, and the association between adequacy of the water supply and length of stay in the program was assessed through Generalized Estimating Equation analysis.
Results. 36% of the children presented with a secondary infection, 69% of which were water-related. When stratified by the adequacy of the quantity and/or quality of the water supply in their village of origin, non-adequacy of the water supply was clearly associated with a higher prevalence of secondary water-related infections and with much longer lengths of stay of malnourished children in the therapeutic feeding program.
Conclusion. This study suggests that therapeutic feeding programs using an outpatient model should routinely evaluate the water supply in their target children's villages if they are to provide optimal care.
Pour citer ce contenu :
« L’amélioration de l’accès à l’eau potable, composante clef de la lutte contre la malnutrition », 15 décembre 2012, URL : https://msf-crash.org/fr/blog/medecine-et-sante-publique/lamelioration-de-lacces-leau-potable-composante-clef-de-la-lutte
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